
9 Useful Tips to Improve Hotel Room Photography

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The little details make the biggest difference in spectacular hotel/resort photography. Before each photo shoot, I meet with the management team and review all areas to be photographed. This is a complimentary service I provide to all my clients because it allows us to be more efficient and create better images. You look good, I look good!

Believe it or not, the smallest details can make or break an image. Just think, if a prospective guest looks at an image and sees bed skirts askew and wrinkled linens, they may not consciously recognize it; however, if they look at a hotel gallery with impeccable linens, they’re more likely to feel comfortable with that property.

Also, the hotel staff and sales team will be looking at these images for a couple of years; the last thing you want is to recognize all the little flaws in a photo and undermine the sales team’s confidence in the product. I know all these tips sound elementary and common knowledge; however, in prepping for a photo shoot, there are so many things to address that sometimes the little details go unnoticed.

Here are a few useful and easy remedies for flawless hotel room photography.

  1. Bed Skirts: Wrinkle-free and straight. Often a bed skirt will be higher off the floor on one end versus the other end. Make sure they’re straight. Also, in Double rooms, make sure the bed skirts are the same height from the floor on each bed.
  1. Bed Linens: I know it sounds elementary; however, make sure all linens including pillowcases are steamed and ironed. Even the smallest wrinkles show up in the final image.
  1. Beds and Duvets: Make sure the bed is tucked properly – especially near the head of the bed. It is often best to remove the insert from the duvet. After a couple of washings, inserts often become lumpy and unsightly. Just remove the insert and add a couple of additional flat sheets underneath the duvet cover to give it more plushness.
  1. Lamps: Make sure all lamps have the same color bulbs and the same wattage. As bulbs age, the color often changes – some become more yellow or grey. It is best to place new bulbs in each light fixture prior to shooting.
  1. Curtains: Steam curtains to reduce wrinkles and pleats. Also, it is best that both curtains are equal in width from the walls. Take a look at each curtain and make sure the pleats fall evenly too.
  1. Outdoor Furniture and Balconies: Replace any old tattered chairs/end tables with newer ones. Likewise, clean the railings. Dirt, bird droppings, etc. are very noticeable in photographs.
  1. Windows and Mirrors: Thoroughly clean both inside and out. In the humidity, it is best that the balcony sliding door remain slightly open to reduce condensation.
  1. Marketing Collateral: Unless mandatory, remove marketing collateral from the room. Many franchise properties often update collateral and old material will date the images and often require image replacement.
  1. Bathrooms: Towels hanging from racks should be of equal length and plushness. Likewise, any rolled towels should be new and plush. Don’t mix old and new towels. Rolled towels should be rolled in the same direction with the fold turned toward camera. Remove bathroom door if possible to allow maximum visibility inside bathroom.